West Tennessee Nurse Practitioners Alliance

Results from WTNPA general meeting

Posted 4 months ago by Christine Byrer

Good morning to all,

We had a great meeting Nov 21st at Union University.  These are the things that we voted on:

1.  Humongous thanks to outgoing officers Anahita and Brittany for serving for 6+ years as president and Vice-president.

2.  Incoming officers include Lori Taylor, President, Christine Byrer as Vice-president, Betty Roe as treasurer, DeAnn Scott as secretary, and Ruth Ann Slayton to meeting scheduler.  Plus Lori and Brad Creekmore for scholarship committee.

3.  Treasury report and voting to give money for scholarships.  First steps include donating $5,000 to Union Univ for nurse practitioner program students.  We will talk with Union about specifics that we discussed ie partial use of these funds for the first year and then as we navigate the best way to do this, discuss further distributions to Union and/or other local universities for NP program students. 

4.  We also voted on donating in December $500 to the Scarlet Rope foundation in Jackson, and $500. to the Ronald McDonald House (jackson) for the Ryder Lewis foundation.

5.  We voted to start a quarterly $200 membership incentive to those attending our regular meetings.  Every meeting you attend you can add your name to the list, so the more meetings you attend the more chances you have on winning.  You must be a member of WTNPA, and you can only win once a year.  

Our meeting with be Dec 10th at 6 pm at Doe's Eating place in Jackson, sponsored by Astra-Zeneca, more info to come.  We will play Dirty-Santa, if you want to participate bring a gift under $15.00.